Saturday, January 1, 2011


We have been wanting to remodel this bathroom from the day we first say it (yes, we talked about it before we even bought the house).
The wallpaper was a royal blue/maroon/forest green floral pattern. I don't like one word in that sentence.

The linoleum had water marks and the brass fixtures had to go.

So, after Uncle Quin got here they removed the toilet, fixtures and linoleum.

Dain tried and tried to get the mirror off...even by hammer (no, it didn't work).

Here is the tile after being cut.

"Little Helper"

Now Complete!!!

Doesn't it look fantastic. I can't believe we waited 3 1/2 years to do this project.
Thank you Uncle Quin.

1 comment:

Jordan said...

We finally remodeled our bathroom right before we moved out too. I wish we had done it sooner!