Friday, February 10, 2012


One of biggest milestones has to be losing your first tooth.  Last month Dade lost his first tooth.  We started the day looking like this and ...

ended it looking like this.
How did it actually come out?  He was tickling Dain ("Pits and Toes" we like to call it) and when Dade went for Dain's toes, he got a little help from Dain's foot.  POP!  
Cute side note.  Later that night, around 1:00am Dade came into our room crying.  It took a few minutes for us to come to and understand what he was crying about, but Dade was sure the tooth fairy had taken his tooth and left him nothing.  After further investigation he discovered the $1 bill under his pillow.  Finally all smiles.

1 comment:

Pierce + Stacy Thiot said...

That IS a scary nightmare when the tooth fairy STEALS your tooth and doesn't replace it with anything. Ha! The best part has to be that Dain kicked it out. :)