Monday, June 8, 2009


Dade now brushes his own teeth and I just had to take a few pictures!!!
He looks so serious.

This is how we start most days. There is nothing more fun than hiding under the desk.

Aislyn most be looking for something. I guess she finally found it.


Pierce and Stacy said...

My mom was just talking about how when Aislyn is looking for something she just digs right in, basically jumps in the basket to find it. Whereas Dade would perfectly take one thing out at a time and place it back in. Opposites!

I love those pictures. Dade DOES look so serious while brushing. haha. You have cute kids!

Jordan said...

We can't wait to see you guys again in about 2 months!!

Katy said...

YAY! TWO MONTHS! WOOOOHOOOO Cute pics, but I guess that's what you get with such cute kids.