Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I have been trying to get these pictures out for a week. A tornado came through one week ago today. We had the missionaries over at the time, so while the kids and I hunkered down in the laundry room, Dain and the missionaries took the bathroom...meanwhile the tornado sirens are going off and Dade keeps getting upset...needless to say it was quite the ordeal. We were very blessed and had no damage whatsoever, but most of our ward could not say the same. Here are a few pictures I took of some of the damage.

Notice the upstairs window. Dade kept asking if it was raining in their house.

We have a street around the corner from us that every fence blew over.

This was a very familiar scene for almost all the neighborhoods.

This is a Preschool and every tree lost branches.


Jordan said...

I had no idea that a tornado touched down in your area/neighborhood. I'm so glad that your house is ok. We had 8 or 9 consecutive days of tornados and hail (in Colorado). Must be global warming. ;)

Durrett Family Band said...

Scary! So glad you made it out unscathed.