Thursday, August 18, 2011


Don't you just love the way he has his foot turned?
This summer marked the first of the Baseball (T-Ball) seasons.

Dain coached and Dade LOVED it. Special father and son time.

We were lucky enough to have most all our games at 8:00am as to avoid the crazy heat.
This is Dade waving to me (I arrived a little late for this game).

His smile makes everyone melt.

Get After it Slugger!!!

He was always ready and in it. He would call out to the team to be ready.

He loves to play First Base. I was quite surprised how well he understood the game. I guess my games of GhostRunner Baseball on the front lawn really paid off.

See? Always ready.

Sweaty, Hot and Happy.

End of Season celebration with the family. Aislyn took this picture of him.

The end of season party was at the fountain park. This is a picture of Dade getting his coaches accolades.
The boys had a great time!!!

1 comment:

Andrew and Cori said...

How on earth is he old enough to be playing baseball?! I can hardly believe it. Your kids are getting so big... and they are so cute! I keep thinking we should plan a random trip to Texas just to see you guys and catch up. The kids and I went up North last weekend and drove through Provo past our old houses... was it always that ghetto? :) It's amazing how living in the moment makes it feels normal. Where does the time go??