Wednesday, November 2, 2011


This year marked a big milestone in our family. The year we moved to Superhero Themed Birthday Parties.

Spiderman Mania!!!

We had the cousins over for Hot Dogs, S'mores and Fun a few days before Dade's actual Birthday.
Dain was giving the kids directions for the Scavenger Hunt. The only one not paying attention was Grayer.
Oma and Opa let us break in their fire pit. A huge success. Now I want one.

Pictures of the Party Goers.

Dade and buds.

The great thing about this age is any dragon, monster, or car toy is AWESOME.

Well, as always....Mom over planned the activities. So, Dade got to stay up late and have his cupcake (candle and all) with Mom and Dad.

Balloon Animals anyone?

On Dade's actual Birthday we took him to Rain Forest Cafe to celebrate.

Everyone got a special balloon.

But of course the Chicken Dance Birthday song was the pinnacle.
Happy Birthday Baby Boy. Thank you for making me a momma. You bring me more joy than you can imagine.
I love you more the best.

1 comment:

Andrew and Cori said...

Six?! How is that possible?? I wish we had an excuse to go through Texas to see you! :) Your kids are getting big and I've never even met any of them!! Can we find a middle ground to meet and take a vacation together? :)