Friday, January 30, 2015


One of my fondest memories growing up is going to Greenhorn to have a picnic lunch while riding the 3-Wheelers and shooting guns.  
Not so sure Clove feels the same way I do.  She hated having these headphones on. We spent the rest of the time sitting in the truck.

These little ones didn't mind as much. 

Yup, that's Dade getting instruction from my niece. He was a great shot.

Grayer on the other hand didn't want to participate.

Luckily, it didn't take much convincing to get this one into the shooting.

If you look really closely you can see AZ running down the same hill I used to.

Now on to AZ's turn.

This is Dain asking Grayer if he wants a turn...NOPE!

Yup, future Annie Oakley here.

Ah, Cornish Christmas, how I love you.  This was the first year we took the kids. I think Dade liked it.

A sight for sore eyes.
The view from my parents back porch.

Gingerbread houses with cousins.
Yes, that's Dain working on one of his one, pretending to help Grayer.
Aislyn did her own.

As did Dade.

This little Love got a ton of attention from cousins.

The final creations.

Love being home for the holidays.

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