Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I bought swords a few weeks ago and decided the boys needed to try them out!
Look at the excitement on Dade's face. Doesn't this remind you of being young?

Dad was sure to let Dade get a few hits in...I say a few and a few was all it was.

This is Dade's War Face. Just makes you want to giggle...doesn't it?

He and Dad had a blast! They have had several other battle and Mom has been brought into several, usually as a safety home base.
I will post July4th pictures soon. I am still trying to get everything back in order after our trip.


Pierce and Stacy said...

I'm jealous. Very.


I'm excited to see pictures from your trip . . . what trip is this?


oh p.s. yes we found the campsite, it was great and the directions were wonderful! Thanks!

Jordan said...

Did Dain cut Dade's pants off? I hate it when that happens!

Robertsons said...

dade looks SO it