Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Our day has typically been starting out like this...playing in the garage. We have had rainy weather for what seems like a solid month. Luckily, the kids still think it's a treat.
Dade wanted a passenger in his stroller. Mr. Peanut. The story behind Mr. Peanut...back when we lived in Virginia, so Dade was probably 10 months old, we went yard saleing. We bought this fabulous grill, but while we were there paying the man and loading it into the 4-Runner is started to pour, I mean pour. Dade and I stayed in the mans garage while he and Dain put the grill in the car. Dade was starting to lose it so the mans wife gave Dade Mr. Peanut...he has been a part of our family since.
Now, this is Elder Garrett. Dade has loved having him serve his mission here in Flower Mound with us. He was being transferred in the morning and since Dain is the Ward Mission Leader we have a close relationship with the missionaries. They are over at our house most every week. We have made it a tradition to have the missionaries over for a Korean dinner before they are transferred.

To give you a true picture of how much Dade loves Elder Garrett...about a month ago Dade ran up to him after Sacrament Meeting and said (rather loudly) "I love you , Elder Garrett".
Goodbye Elder Garrett....thanks for all the laughs and smiles.

1 comment:

Jordan said...

It looks like Dade and AZ are really excited in that last picture! We can't wait to see y'all