Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Perk #4884
Dain has the most amazing job in the world...at least that's how I feel about it.  Disney On Ice has become one of my favorites and this year was no different, except we invited a few friends to come along.

This handsome devil was such a good boy.  It really helps to go places you don't have to be quiet.

My one sad thought is...Dade is getting too big.  He likes Transformers, Ninjas, G.I. Joe, so he was a little less enthusiastic than previous years.
*Side note*
The first time we went to Disney On Ice he was about 3 and was deathly afraid of the Crocodile in Peter Pan.  So much so that he refused to watch Peter Pan.  It even spilled over into church.  His Primary teacher pulled me aside a few weeks before and told me that Dade had gotten very upset in class when they had discussed Jonah being swallowed by a whale (I'm laughing right now).  So, of course had we know that Peter Pan would be a part of that years Disney On Ice show we might have changed our minds on going.  Anyway, when the 100 foot crocodile came out Dade literally ran screaming for the back door.  That kids! 

I also have to say that part of the reason these kids are always so great is due to the box seats.

Don't be surprised if you see this picture as our Christmas card this year.  I LOVE IT!

Thanks to friends for making the night even more fun.

1 comment:

Polly said...

I wich we lived closer so we could enjoy some of these perks with you! Not to mention I just wish we lived closer in general.