Friday, August 14, 2009


My Mother-in-law made the kids this amazing tent for the kitchen table. My Mother had told me about a similar tent my Grandmother made for my older siblings (at least I think that's how the story goes) so, I put a bug in my Mother-in-law's ear and this is what came of it.

The first time we tried it out we couldn't get the kids out from under the table. We broke out the flashlights and glow sticks and they had a blast.

As you can tell by looking at their faces.
Thank you Oma. Now you need to come visit so we can all play together.


Jordan said...

That looks like fun! The best part is that it looks like a tablecloth with a horizontal runner - not a tent. :)

The Clay's said...

That looks like so much fun! I can't believe how fast they are growing up!!!