Tuesday, August 4, 2009

4th of July

Here are the 4th of July pictures as promised. We are sitting in the parking lot at our hotel in San Antonio. The kids loved it.

Dade chose the biting shark as his toy from Sea World. Don't you love his face? He still loves this toy a month later.

Aislyn's favorite thing from the trip was probably jumping on the sofa...we used the cushions for Dade's bed (in the closet).

And of course this is how Dain spent much of our time celebrating the 4th. Throwing poppers at me.

I am still trying to get caught up...I have a bunch of wonderful pictures to put up. I have been watching my little sisters boy the past couple of days, so I haven't had as much free time. I will try to get a few more up today, maybe while the kiddos are napping.

1 comment:

Pierce and Stacy said...

Love Love LOOOOOOVE it! And we can't wait to see you guys.