Thursday, October 29, 2009


I don't know what it is about play houses, but don't you just love them?

As you can see Aislyn loves them too.

And play tee-pees...same thing. So much fun!!

Dade being the big boy. He did fall off this time. He got a pretty good bruise on his arm, but all in all he walked away.

Pint size tractor for my pint size little one.

Now I need to put the two pictures of them standing in front of this sign side by side.

We actually got a picture of the whole family. Not bad.

These are the last of the Pumpkin Patch pictures. The pumpkin patch has had to close due to all the rain. One of the many hazards of this time of the year.


Pierce and Stacy said...

That IS a good family picture.

I love how AZ is sitting in just one side of the tractor seat. :) She is so tiny.

Robertsons said...

it is a great family photo!