Monday, October 26, 2009


We are really blessed to live in a fabulous town that still has a lot of small town charm. One of our very favorite things to do every year is go to the Pumpkin Patch. We have already been two times and will be going again tomorrow. They have fields of pumpkins...

a hay maze decorated with Disney like characters...

and one of these things that spin around and I'm sure knocks out a kids tooth every year.

We went with our ward play group and by the time we were done the boys had moved every single pumpkin to a new place.

AZ took her turn while Mom watched holding her breath.

I love this picture because her eyes are closed and of course you have no idea how tall she really is.

She took a turn rolling the pumpkins, just like brother.

After awhile she had to take a break and thought she might try sitting on one.

Halloween really is the BEST!!!

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